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ADMET Research Services

IND-enabling ADME studies to predict drug-drug interaction.

Discovery’s Gentest® ADME Research Services have provided IND-enabling in vitro ADME and drug-drug interaction services for more than two decades.

When we test your drug candidate, we use our innovative, regulatory-aligned Gentest® in vitro products, cell models, and methodologies. Your project will be led by an experienced study director, with reliable communication from the initial inquiry through to data analysis and a submission-quality report.

Gentest® ADME Research Services Advantages

Gentest® Enzyme Induction Services

Testing for mRNA and enzyme activity for a comprehensive portfolio of inducible enzymes, including CYP1A2, CYP2B6, CYP2C8, CYP2C9, CYP2C19, CYP3A4, UGTs and transporters

Gentest® Enzyme Inhibition Services

In vitro inhibition testing for a range of drug metabolizing enzymes, including CYPs (reversible and TDI), UGTs, Oxidases (e.g., AO, MAO), and Esterases (e.g., CES, ChE)

Gentest® Transporter Interaction Services

SLC transporter studies with Gentest TransportoCells™ model, P-gp/MRP/BCRP/BSEP vesicles studies, and Efflux studies with MDR1 LLC-PK1 and Caco-2 cell lines

Gentest® Reaction Phenotyping Services

Comprehensive Phase I/II (CYP, UGT, AO/XO, FMO, CES, SULT) enzyme identification using Gentest Supersomes®, human liver fractions and human hepatocytes, including enzyme kinetics (Km, CLint) and fm determination (selective chemical inhibition, RAF/ISEF scaling)

Gentest® Custom Services

Customized ADME analyses for unusual drug metabolizing enzymes, custom expressions, extrahepatic tissues, and assay transfers.

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