There must be a 61 day delay between one leukopheresis to the next donation. In addition, we require that our donors wait 21 days after a standard venipuncture (whole blood collection) before donating a leukopheresis product.
Colorectal and Lung Tumoroids are Now Available
NEW Blog Post - Advancing CAR-NK Therapy: Why Leukopak Quality and Donor Characterization Matter
Discovery Partners with PathAI to Develop First AI-Powered Biospecimen Solutions
NEW Blog Post - Leverage Permeabilized Hepatocytes for Difficult Drug Compounds in Metabolism Studies
Discovery Announces Upcoming Launch of Tumoroids at Precision Med Tri-Con
Colorectal and Lung Tumoroids are Now Available
NEW Blog Post - Advancing CAR-NK Therapy: Why Leukopak Quality and Donor Characterization Matter
Discovery Partners with PathAI to Develop First AI-Powered Biospecimen Solutions
NEW Blog Post - Leverage Permeabilized Hepatocytes for Difficult Drug Compounds in Metabolism Studies
Discovery Announces Upcoming Launch of Tumoroids at Precision Med Tri-Con