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Human Liver Microsomes

A rich, convenient, and cost-effective source of native enzymes responsible for drug metabolism studies.

Discovery's Gentest® Human Liver Microsomes are a great source of native enzymes responsible for drug metabolism, including cytochrome P450 (CYP), UDP-glucuronosyl transferase (UGT), and flavin-containing monooxygenase (FMO).

They are ideal for metabolic stability, metabolite reactivity, drug-drug interactions, reaction phenotyping, and metabolite identification studies. Gentest® HLMs adhere to the highest safety standards, undergo rigorous serological and PCR testing, and offer a variety of options including single-donor, mixed, and specialty pools.

Gentest® UltraPool HLM 150 is the first commercially available large donor pool of HLMs (~150 donors) that naturally represents the average patient population and known CYP polymorphisms.  This unique product offers consistency and large lot sizes, enabling multi-year studies.  UltraPoolTM is also fully characterized according to GLP standards for major CYP activities and select phase II enzymes using FDA-recommended substrates.

Discovery also provides a range of other microsome products, including 20- and 50-donor products, as well as mixed or single gender options.

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