Matched Cancer
Sample Sets

Enhance the speed, accuracy, and reliability of research findings with our extensive range of high-quality matched sample sets.

Accelerate your oncology research with the largest inventory of patient and time-matched samples.

FFPE Matched Sets

DTCs Matched Sets

SpecimenSeq™ BMMC & PBMC Matched Sets

Enhance the speed, accuracy, and reliability of research with our extensive range of high-quality matched sample sets.

Matched Cancer Sample Sets FAQs

Plasma is processed within 2 hours after the blood is collected.

For FFPE + Plasma matched sets, blood is collected pre-surgical intervention.

EDTA is used for FFPE + Plasma sets.

Access to Thousands of Patients

Nearly 200 Clinical Sources Around the World

Our Discovery Partners® network comprises nearly 200 clinical sites across dozens of countries worldwide.  This extensive network enables us to conduct large-scale, prospective collections while providing support for our robust biobank.  Our partners represent leading national and international:

Each diseased specimen is provided with the base clinical data from the patient case along with a redacted pathology report.

Explore the Depths of Your Biospecimens

Get biospecimens in the format you need – then deeply characterize them with Discovery’s customizable and scalable biomarker services based on advanced technologies, including genomics, proteomics, molecular pathology, and cell biology services.

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